
A Vow of Happiness: My Movie Review of ‘With This Ring’

April 19, 2017
ring on top of flowers

Imagine that your best girl friend is getting married. You just woke up from having a nightmare and realise that you slept with your ex after having too much to drink the night before. Then later, at the reception, you discover that he’s engaged to someone else! The horror! What do you do, girl?

Well this is basically how the movie, With This Ring, begins. Trista (Regina Hall) is furious after learning that her ex, Damon (Brian J. White), slept with her knowing full well that he was engaged. That night at her friend’s reception, on New Years’ Eve, she and her two other friends Amaya (Eve) and Viviane (Jill Scott) then decide to make a vow to get married or engaged within the next year. If they fail to do this, then they would pursue a relationship with their ‘fall-back’ guy, aka, settle.

About the leading ladies

Trista is a hotshot Hollywood agent, single, and looking for Mr Right. We are then quickly introduced to Trista’s very attractive coworker by the name of Nate (Stephen Bishop), who appears to be her number one competition at the agency. It’s obvious from the start that they’ll get together by the end of the movie. Still, it’s nice to see how their relationship matures throughout the movie.

Then we have Amaya, who is a struggling actress in love with a married man named Keith. She vows to get married to Keith before the end of the year. Amaya heard a rumour that his wife was cheating on him, so she tries to get proof catching her in the act in order to break them up.

Lastly, we have Viviane, a single mother with a popular Hollywood gossip site. She reveals that she’s still in love with the father of her son, named Sean (Jason George). She’s going to commit to the vow in an effort to get over this unrequited love. Should she fail, she’ll relocate with her son to New York, which is where her family lives. Viviane’s reason for pursuing the vow is considerably the most honourable. She wants to provide a stable family for her son, and for him to see what a loving couple looks like on a daily basis. She’d rather not let her son witness the ‘weird tense communication’ between her and Sean any longer.

The ‘vow’

The movie explores how these women try to accomplish their vow. Trista and Viviane try online dating, with no such luck. Trista goes on date after date with a bunch of misfits. Viviane, on the other hand, only attempts one date before calling it quits on online dating.

Meanwhile, Amaya searches for her proof to break Keith and his wife Kitty (Gabrielle Union) up. Although she eventually gets her chance when she crashes her married boyfriend’s party, she soon learns that his wife, Kitty (Gabrielle Union) knows about all of his flings, and that he’ll never leave her for Amaya.

The challenges

During the movie, we see our leading ladies go through some challenges. Trista’s main challenge is her career. She is struggling to garner the respect she deserves at her agency. When she finally gets a chance to prove herself by representing ‘major movie star’ Terrance Robb (Harold House Moore), things seem to take a turn for the better. However, things unfortunately take a turn for the worst in perhaps the most ridiculous way possible. This, however, gives us a chance to see Nate’s ‘good side’, as he comes through for Trista in a way she did not expect.

Viviane, hopelessly in love with Sean, finds it hard to move on. When she learns that he has a new girlfriend, she finds her world literally coming to a stop when she gets a heart attack. However, this also gives us an opportunity to see Sean stepping up to the plate, as he eventually makes a decision that will give Viviane what she’s always dreamed of.

Lastly, Amaya accepts that she was pursuing the relationship with Keith because it was easier than going after her dream and becoming an actress. We see her character transform as she finally gets serious about her acting career, with Trista’s support, of course.

The climax

Just when you think that everything is going well for the ladies, Trista’s ex Damon comes back into the picture. He left his fiancée and wants to get married to her. In the end, she has to choose between wanting the ‘happy ending’ she always craved, or learning to make her own happiness, potentially winding up alone in the process.

Why I liked this movie

1. The message

This movie’s main message was about not waiting for the usual milestones (marriage or a job promotion) to bring happiness into our lives. Rather, we must create our own happiness now instead of waiting for life to happen to us. I really loved this message, as it was poignant to where I am in my life right now. Sure, I may not have everything I want right now, but I’m still going to do my best to live in the moment. My job is to take care of the me now. The future will take care of the me then.

2. The men

Stephen Bishop as the leading man is a dreamboat! He is sexy as hell! I thought to myself afterwards that I need to see more of him! Apparently he was also on Becoming Mary Jane, so heyyy! The runner up is Jason George, a man I’ve always had a thing for since Sunset Beach! Remember that one, guys? He was/is on Grey’s Anatomy too but meh, I hate that show.

Brian J. White was okay, while Harold House Moore was aight. I preferred Brian in other movies, such as Stomp The Yard. I believe the only other thing I saw Harold House Moore in was Single Ladies, and I didn’t care for him in that either. Funny enough, he also had the same name in that show, albeit it was spelt ‘Terrence’.

3. The kiss

My favourite scene in this movie was the ending, where Trista kisses her reflection in the mirror. She does this after making a new vow to always be happy, no matter where or what stage she is at in life. After giving herself the kiss, a lady pops out of the bathroom and gives her a thumbs up. The moment is so genuine, so heartwarming, that it really made me beam on the inside and out!

What I didn’t like

1. The ‘heart attack’

While I pretty much liked Jill Scott’s performance throughout the movie, that one scene where Viviane was having the heart attack really bothered me. It seemed a little dramatic, and I thought I was watching a Tyler Perry movie for a second (hehe!). I know she just learned that Sean was seeing someone, but damn girl! Really though? Anyway, who am I to judge, lol!

2. ‘Major movie star’

Alright Terrance, we get it. Needless to say we didn’t see you act in the movie, so we just have to believe you when you say it for the 100th time!

My Final Thoughts

I thought it was a really decent film overall. I loved the message of the film. I thought it was also well-directed and had decent production value. I’d recommend it if you want a feel-good movie to watch with the girls on movie night. It will keep you entertained, and hopefully you all will share a collective ‘aww’ when the movie reaches that pivotal scene in the bathroom 🙂

This movie is currently on Netflix. Now go forth and watch it!

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